
The 21 Day Habit Theory

I first know the "21 day habit theory" from the famous book "the 7 habits of highly effective people". I was wondering why its 21, not 10, nor 30 after that.

After some research, it seems that the 21 number comes from a doctor called Maxwell Maltz[1]:

“Dr. Maxwell Maltz, originally a plastic Surgeon, who also wrote the bestseller Psycho-Cybernetics, noticed that it took 21 days for amputees to cease feeling phantom sensations in the amputated limb. From further observations he found it took 21 days to create a new habit. Since then the '21 Day Habit Theory' has become an accepted part of self-help programs.”

The science behind this goes like this[1]:

“Brain circuits take engrams (memory traces), and produce neuroconnections and neuropathways only if they are bombarded for 21 days in a row. This means that our brain does not accept “new” data for a change of habit unless it is repeated each day for 21 days (without missing a day).” – Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life

"Without missing a day? Yes. Because your conscious mind creates the belief and the subconscious mind then executes the belief – it is important to keep on "fueling that fire" until it is self sustaining."[1]

But the number 21 doesn't change from habit to habit? It's our natural feeling that some habits are easier to form but others are much more hard.

There do be a formal research paper[3] on this problem in 2009. Their results show that the number 21 is not so accurate, it depends on what habit you are going to change and establish. The average days to form a habit in their research is 66, not 21. (see graph below)

habit forming days[2]

Anyway, the number is not so important, but the good news that habits CAN be changed and formed, if we put our efforts into it. But HOW?

Here are some good practices and tips on developing new habits:

1. Action Feeds Motivation: Motivation is not a 'feeling' that comes out of the blue. Action is the fuel that feeds motivation. You need to start doing something to get motivated.

2. Leverage Basic Instincts: "Human beings will do anything to avoid pain, and move towards pleasure." This basic instinct governs all your behavior. To change any habit, first figure out its base - does it give you any pleasure, or does it help you avoid some pain? Here, pain/pleasure means physical and/or emotional. Based on the basic instinct, decide how you can create 'pain' for the old habit you want to change so that you avoid it. Figure out how you can feel and enjoy pleasure whenever you indulge in the new habit.

"Celebrate each step, regardless how tiny it is." is another way to associate pleasure with habit change.

3. Make it Simple and Clear: Clarity and Simplicity make effectiveness. Write down your intentions, it's important to use positive affirmations to write these goals. What's more, instead of attempting a wholesale, huge life change, aim only for one behavior at a time. Break your goal down into smaller parts.

4. Ask Why: Persuade yourself before taking actions. The bigger your conviction, the easier it will be be for you to make the transition.

5. Stay Clear of Negative Triggers: There will be those who try to sabotage you. This doesn’t even have to be intentional. It could evolve from a negative statement aimed at you, or even a deep rooted belief you had since you can remember. Any trigger that could bring this out should be avoided.

Generally speaking, the first few days/weeks is the toughest. Once you cross the initial tough days, it only gets easier over time. Usually, the time can be divided into three phases:
1. 0-7 intentional, uncomfortable
2. 7-20 intentional, comfortable
3. 21-90 unintentional, comfortable, stabilizing phase

Form good habits and win in your life!


1. 21 Day Challenge – Develop New Habits
2. How Long to Form a Habit?
3. Paper: How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world

some Tips:
1. Changing Habits
2. 21 days to new habit
3. 一个月培养一个好习惯
4. 改变习惯只需21天



一. 上海行












1. 迎世博,上海城市面貌确实变化不少
2. 上海出租车行业噬需整治:甩客现象稀松平常
3. 京沪出行飞机比动车便宜,不过动车确实舒适,而且火车南站环境条件已经赶超许多机场了
4. 相比北京,上海所谓的“本地人”意识还是太强,对内的包容性还是不够
5. 中国大都市的马太效应估计是快要到头了,希望人才和资源慢慢向内陆、二线城市迁移
6. 有人愿意排除艰难险阻前往千里之外伸手相助,我心甚慰

二. 4月1日晚收到一封颇为震惊的邮件,不过事后方知乃一Fool's Day Joke,颇觉有些尴尬。说点关于愚人节笑话禁忌的个人看法:
1. 最好不要拿可能发生的事情当做笑话,相反要越异想天开、越天马行空越好
2. 最好不要涉及他人和竞争对手,拿自己或者公众人物开刷比较好
3. 最好不要让人感觉sad的surprise,要给人happy的surprise,
4. 最好不要拿敏感的事情做话题,特别是涉及人的情感、隐私等话题

三. 4月2日,美嘉集体观看3D Alice in Wonderland。
- 看前去了躺E世界地下一层电动厅,似乎找回了点失去已久的感觉
- 普通数字3D和imax 3D效果差距不小,浸入感、亮度和色彩都有不少差距
- Tim Burton和Johny Deep组合的作品看过不少,也都比较喜欢,这次的风格也确实基本一如既往,但还是不得不承认中途小憩了会
- 魔幻类的作品确实难入凡眼,不论是the Lord of the Ring还是Alice in the Wonderland
- 观后感:开启我天朝上国半殖民地半封建屈辱史的鸦片战争终极源头就是那个叫Alice的小丫头


鸦片战争的“罪 魁祸首”


四. 无数次路过后,总算去UME的安贞店看了场“杜拉拉升职记”。
- 将原著改得面目全非也是种电影改编的方式,借助一个业已成功的壳去夹带私货也是个获得成功的有效手段
- 徐大姐的小姑娘扮相还是基本能够接受的,何况人家公主般身材都拿出来秀了
- 莫文蔚令人眼前一亮,那犀利的气场能令片中所有美女悉数完败。而作为40岁的女人,能保养到这个程度令人惊叹
- 看看人家的世界500强员工的衣着打扮,回头再看看周围的一帮民工,还是期待地下列个缝钻进去算了
- 此片适合所有对"500强","CBD", "外企"这类词汇抱有美好憧憬的小白领姑娘。不适合无房无车外企老油条、IT从业者、一看广告就换台者以及一切看不惯开着300K rmb的破跑车就洋洋自得的大温拿。







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