
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the ∑- GALAXY

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the ∑- GALAXY

Part I – Introduction

"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
- Chinese proverb

In the beginning, there was NEO. And for a while, it was good. Then someone said, “Let there be some guides besides that!”. And here it is ......

PART II – Work [Mainly for Coding Guys, NOT for Papering Guys]

First of All, Remember Where this Space is Located:
1. It’s located at 39°58'32.60"N, 116°19'52.35"E and just looks like this and also this
2. Don’t forget to come to this fantastic place every morning, when you wake up with a feeling of exciting for difference technology will make for people's life.

Then you can ……

Get to Know $, ∑ and Your Team:
1. $ Internal Portal. http://$w
2. ∑ Internal Portal. http://∑
3. Your Team Internal Portal. Depends on your group, X’s portal is located at http://teamsomewhere/sites/X/default.aspx .

Get Hardware/Software Access
1. $ Beijing File Server. \\/\|-=-
2. ∑ File Server. \\∑
3. ∑ IT support.
a. Alias: ∑IT
b. Phone: 38**
4. All software on these severs are free and have register key embedded, no need to crack, no need to search a valid CD Key from Baidu ,Google or Live.

Get Familiar with ∑ Development Environment:
Option One: Using internal tools
1. Source Control: ** - http://**/Pages/default.aspx
2. Build Tool: ++XT - http://++xt
3. Editor: Visual Studio [VI/EMACS is also permitted as far as this guide’s author know]

Option Two: Using Visual Studio Team System
1. Source Control: Team Foundation Server
2. Build: MSBuild
3. IDE: Visual Studio
4. Go to MSDN for these tools’ documentation.

Script Language
1. With Power Shell, you can throw away batch file and command window now.
2. Internal Portal: http://@@/Pages/default.aspx

Do Some Performance Profiling
1. Visual Studio Integrated Tool:
a. Access Path in VS 2005: VS->Tool->Performance Tools;
b. VS Performance Team Site: http://team/sites/!#$/^&*/default.aspx
2. Office Profiler:
a. http://!@#$%^&*

Or You can Make Code Analysis
1. FxCop for Managed code
2. PREfast for native code
3. VS Code Analysis Team Site: http://*&^%$#@!/Home.aspx

Then Have a Look at Our ∑ Internal Tools:
1. ∑ Jump Start
a. To Share Your Knowledge With Colleagues, please go to ∑ Jump Start: http://$wikis/∑jumpstart/Wiki%20Pages/Home.aspx
2. MOT
a. Want to resolve more algorithm/data structure problems than what you had done in your interview? Please go to ∑ Online Training site: http://...
3. Springfield
a. When you feel you are short of labor force, please go to Springfield to hire intern: http://,,,
4. XXX Brown Bag
a. XXX Brown Bag is a regular meeting for group members to share the latest technical information and new technology
b. You can find the historical documents and slides HERE.

PART III – Life [Drinking , Eating && Playing]
We have dining room in B1, which is not free, but most likely, you will never pay for it using cash.

We have cookies, little bread and popular instant noodles in our front desk.
We have Coca Cola, Pepsi and other similar drinks in the refrigerator of our tea room. [Yes, totally free]
We have a fruit time at 3:00 PM, every work day, which is happed in tea room.
So, we also have food within one hundred paces, although we have no super Chef, nor luxurious “乌鸡甲鱼汤”.

You eat, you drink, and so you need to do another stuff. Fortunately, there are Water Closets in every floor, which will meet this kind of requirement. Use your nose to locate them - corporation service team put so much perfume in those rooms, you can smell it beyond 100 paces.

If you need to entertain yourself, we have table tennis, foosball, billiards and cool Xbox 360 games in 4th and 5th floor’s lunge room.

If you want to do some “add water” stuff, we have a most powerful web2.0 application called Tango. Please go there to find those interesting undocumented features. The more time you spend on investigating it, the happier you will be. As to the unexpected behavior or so called bug, be patient about it. Tango dev team will deploy the latest version weekly, most likely it will get fixed in next deployment.

PART IV – Conclusion

We know you come here to follow your heart, it’s really great and welcome! You will make big progress as time goes by, because there are so many stuff you need to learn and get familiar with.

Your FTE career in ∑ will start in a cool training. Your training instructors are very experienced and nice, you can learn a lot from them. But as to the training projects, I can only say, “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!”.

Welcome to ∑, welcome to the HOTTEST lab on this planet! (You will know how hot it is this winter, especially for those sitting in XXX corner)

Best Regards
-It's Me

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