大概一两个月前参加了一个培训,目的是给大家在提高自己的soft skill方面一些指导。近日翻阅资料时看到相关材料,觉得还是应该把从中学到的东西再整理复习一下,正所谓温故而知新。
Part 1 - Hard Skill VS. Soft Skill
A. Hard Skill
1. Intellectual Horsepower(IQ)(智商)
2. Technical Knowledge(技术知识)
3. Problem Solving(解决问题的能力)
4. Analytical Thinking(分析性思考)
5. Managing Systems and Processes(系统与流程管理)
6. Planning, organizaing and Coordinating(计划组织与协调)
B. Soft Skill
1. Emotional Quotient(情商)
2. Building and Nurturing Relationships(建立与维护关系)
3. Open and Honest Communication(坦诚交流)
4. Composure(镇静)
5. Integrity and Trustworthiness(正直与可信任)
6. Negotiation and Confilict Management(谈判与冲突管理)
7. Interpersonal Skills(人际关系技巧)
8. Conviction and Courage(信念,勇气)
Part 2 - Emotional Quotient
A. What's EQ?
1. The term Emotional Intelligence was invented by Peter Salovey and John Mayer in 1990, and then popularized by Daniel Goleman in 1995
2. "Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.”
3. In Daniel’s book he claims life success is 20% IQ and 80% EQ
B. Characteristics of EQ
1. Self-awareness
2. Mood management
3. Self-motivation
4. Impulse control
5. Interpersonal skills
C. “Rule your feelings, lest your feelings rule you!”
- Publilius Syrus, 1st Century B.C.
D. IQ Dominance VS. EQ Dominance
IQ - Dominant
-Confronts threats head-on
-More effective during times of calm
-Avoids taking risks (intolerant of failure, quick to punish)
-Prone to short-term thinking
-Quick to formulate strategy and implement it
-Fails to act
EQ - Dominant
-Tries to avoid confrontation
-More effective during times of stress/crisis
-Uses more gut feeling
-Prone to long-range thinking
-Spends more time defining problems and strategizing
-Knows when to wait and when to act
F. Model for Emotional Intelligence
Know Yourself – increase self-awareness
-Enhance Emotional Literacy
-Recognize Patterns
Choose Yourself – building self-management
-Apply Consequential Thinking
-Navigate Emotions
-Increase Optimism
-Engage Intrinsic Motivation
Give Yourself – developing self-direction
-Increase Empathy
-Pursue Noble Goals
Part 3 - Success Inhibitors - Things to Avoid
1. Lacking Conviction and Courage
2. Failing to broaden professionally
3. Failing to learn and grow
4. Lacking passion for leading
5. Moving too quickly
6. Lacking a track record of results
7. Not perceived as trustworthy or accountable
8. Shuts down/Shuts out others
9. Not an attractor of talent
10. Lacking an internal network
11. Lacking resilience
Part 4 - How to improve Soft Skill
A. Understand Yourself
-Constantly seek feedback from others
-Find a mentor
B. Create a Plan
-Where do I want to go
-How long will it take
-What are the steps to get there
C. Review your Progress
-Where am I on my plan
-Do I need to adjust my plan
-Do I need to adjust my actions
D. Practice, Practice, Practice
-Seek out opportunities
-Public speaking
-Working with kids
-Leading work projects
Practical Advices
-Write in a journal everyday
-Get multiple mentors (peer, up, outside)
-Own your actions/decisions
Reading List
-Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ? (Daniel Goleman)
-Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)
1. Continously collect feedback from others, Learn from others and learn from practices
2. Plan -> Execution -> Review/Refine -> Plan ...
3. Manage Your Own Success - If You Want Something, Go Get It
4. “Moving too quickly” has tow-fold meanings: one says that you should pace step by step, skipping some important steps leads to failure in the long run; the other says that don't change your work too quickly, stay for enough time to accumulate knowledge, experience and relationships
5. I am asked to care about soft skills very early in my career, but only after this training, I realized that I had ever regard some hard skills as soft skills, for example - analytical thinking, coordinating and organizing
6. Keep learning and trust learning. Both hard skills and soft skills can be learned, trained. Practicing makes perfect also applies to soft skill improvement
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