有人提起Quentin Tarantino,就不得不令人想起"kill bill". 而"kill bill"给人留下的印象中,除了对暴力美学的极至追求,就是对配乐的选取了.在我看来,怎么表扬昆叔的音乐品味都不过分.自从初次得听以来,刘玉玲出场时布袋寅泰的那首"Battle Without Honour and Humanity"不知道被我反复聆听过多少遍,至今她仍然是我MP3 Player中的最爱之一(当然,是加了不少死嗓的rock版).
另外一首让人恋恋不忘的,就是Malcolm McLaren的"About Her"了.这位Sex Pistols的前Manager(同时也是我朝始祖毛爷爷的忠实信徒),亲自操刀起来也别样的鬼斧神工.我从来没有听过一首画面感如此强烈的歌曲,你可以清楚地感到置身于一场光影斑驳的老电影中,一位失魂落魄的年轻人正漠然在那里倾诉自己的思念与痛楚……
About Her - Malcolm McLaren
well no one told me about her, the way she lies
well no one told me about her, how many people cried
well no one told me about her, the way she lies
well no one told me about her, how many people cried
but it’s too late to say you’re sorry
how would i know? why should i care?
please don’t bother to find her, she’s not there
well no one told me about her
well no one told me about her
how many people cried
but it’s too late to say you’re sorry
how would i know? why should i care?
please don’t bother trying to find her
she’s not there
she’s not there
忘不了别人,也不能忽略了自己。前两天在子寒的节目中听到了一首可以抚慰每个人自己的歌曲 - 来自美国三人乐团IVY的"Worry About You".
"千万不要以为和"清新"一词扯上关系的纽约客只有Cat Power,由主唱Dominique Durand和Andy Chase以及Fountains of Wayne的团员Adam Schlesinger组成的IVY常春藤乐团,他们的音乐一如纽约的昵称"大苹果"般香甜可口,让人垂涎欲滴。"
这首歌曲其实在2001年的时候就发布了,最近火热的连续剧"The 4400"中用她来做主题曲,才重新吸引了众人的目光……
"这首歌的配器十分特别,简单的吉它伴奏,衬托着干净而慵懒的歌声,又不时伴随着沉重的鼓点,在《The 4400》剧中出现的时候,诠释那些被TAKEN的人回到现实世界的孤独和无助。听着bye bye baby don’t be long I’ll worry about you while you’re gone,深处都市霓虹下的灵魂,都会不由自主地感到繁华背后挥之不去的落寞。"
Worry About You - IVY
Bye, Bye, Baby
Don't Be Long
I Worry About You
While You're Gone
Bye, Bye, Baby
Don't Be Long
I Worry About You
While You're Gone
I think of you in my dreams
You never know, just what you mean,
to me to me
Doo ba badda Doo ba badda
Doo ba badda Doo ba badda
Bye Bye Baby
Don't be long
I Worry about you
While you're Gone
Bye Bye Baby
Don't be long
I Worry about you
While you're Gone
I think of you night and day
I never know just what you meant, to say
To say
Doo ba badda Doo ba badda
Doo ba badda Doo ba badda