
BookNotes - Morningstar's Stock Tutorial

Personal Investment Choices
- Stock: 股票
- Bond: 债券
- Mutual Found: 共同基金
- Real Estate:不动产
- Bank Saving: 银行储蓄

Understanding Company, Stock/Shareholder and Bond/Creditor
- The main purpose of a Company is to take money from investors (creditors and shareholders) and generate profits on their investments.
- Creditors provide a company with debt capital (in terms of Bond), and Shareholders provide a company with equity capital (in terms of Share). Stock is an ownership interest in a company, while Bond, at their most basic, are loans. When you buy a bond, you become a lender to an institution, and that institution pays you interest. As long as the institution does not go bankrupt, it will also pay back the principal on the bond, but no more than the principal.
- Creditors are typically banks, bondholders, and suppliers. They lend money to companies in exchange for a fixed return on their debt capital, usually in the form of interest payments. Companies also agree to pay back the principal on their loans.
- Shareholders that supply companies with equity capital are typically banks, mutual or hedge funds, and private investors. They give money to a company in exchange for an ownership interest in that business. Unlike creditors, shareholders do not get a fixed return on their investment because they are part owners of the company. When a company sells shares to the public (in other words, "goes public" to be "publicly traded"), it is actually selling an ownership stake in itself.

The Great Compound Interest(复利)
- Compound Interest means making returned interest as investment and it can increase your money in a surprising rapid way. A simple way to know the time it takes for money to double is to use the rule of 72. For example, if you wanted to know how many years it would take for an investment earning 12% to double, simply divide 72 by 12, and the   answer would be approximately six years. The reverse is also true. If you wanted to know what interest rate you would have to earn to double your money in five years, then divide 72 by five, and the answer is about 15%.

Part II - Stock Market and Qualitative Corporate Analysis


Stock Index
-  A stock index is simply the price of a grouping or a composite of a number of different stocks, often with similar characteristics.
- Three of the most widely followed indexes are the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, and the Nasdaq Composite.
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average: it is composed of 30 large stocks from a wide spectrum of industries that are selected by the editors of The Wall Street Journal. It's basically the average of the price of the 30 stocks, but had been adjusted a lot due to stock split like events.
- The S&P 500: it is a market capitalization weighted average stock index. The company list in maintained by the Standard & Poor's company, a division of McGraw-Hill.
- The Nasdaq Composite: it is also a market-cap-weighted index, but it includes all companies listed in Nasdaq.

How to do Qualitative Analysis on Business? Ask and try to Answer questions:
- What is the goal of the business?
- How does the business make money?
- How well is the business actually doing?
- How well is the business positioned relative to its competitors?

Analyze Competitive Positioning of Business
- Find a business's economic moat, which is a long-term competitive advantage that allows a company to earn oversized profits over time.
- Economic Moat Types:
    Low Cost (due to scale or core technology)
    High Switching Cost (user sticky)
    Network Effect (ecosystem, scale/size matters, Matthew effect, winner takes over)
    Intangible Assets (government approvals, brand names etc.)

How to Build Economic Moat?
- Creating real or perceived product differentiation
- Driving costs down and being a low-cost leader
- Locking in customers by creating high switching costs
- Locking out competitors by creating high barriers to entry or high barriers to success

Understand Strategic Positioning using Porter's Five Forces
- Barriers to Entry. How easy is it for new firms to start competing in a market? Higher barriers are better.
- Buyer (Customer) Power. Similar to switching costs, what keeps customers locked in or causes them to jump ship if prices were to increase? Lower power is better.     
- Supplier Power. How well can a company control the costs of its goods and services? Lower power is better.
- Threat of Substitutes. A company may be the best widget maker, but what if widgets will soon become obsolete? Also, are there cheaper or better alternatives?
- Degree of Rivalry. Including the four factors above, just how competitive is a company's industry? Are companies beating one another bloody over every last dollar? How often are moats trying to be breached and profits being stolen away?

Porter's five forces considered together can help you to determine whether a firm has an economic moat. The framework is particularly useful for examining a firm's external competitive environment.

Part III - Accounting and Quantitative Corporate Analysis

一、财务恒等式:Assets - Liabilities = Equity  
二、Income Statement 与 Statement of Cash Flow的区别
- 根源在于Accrual Accounting(权责发生制)的会计原则,它要求companies to record revenue and expense when corresponding transactions occur, not when cash is exchanged

Operating Activities - 运营活动
Investing  Activities - 投资活动
Financing Activities - 融资活动

Capital Expenditure (a.k.a. CapEx) - 资本支出
Monetary Investment - 货币投资
Dilute - 稀释,用作除数的分母变大
Depreciation - 折旧摊销 (有形资产)
Amortization - 费用摊销 (无形资产)
Retained Interest - 未分配利润
Treasury Stock - 留存股票

- Efficiency
  Inventory Turnover
  Accounts Receivable Turnover
  Accounts Payable Turnover
  Asset Turnover
- Liquidity
  Current Ration
  Cash Ratio
- Leverage
  Interest Coverage
- Profitability
  Gross Margin
  Operating Margin
  Net Margin
  Return on Assets
  Return on Equity

- ROA (Return on Assets) = Net Income / Average Assets
                                           = (Net Income / Revenue) * (Revenue / Average Assets)
                                           = Net Margin * Assets Turnover
- ROE (Return on Equity) = Net Income / Average Equity
                                           = (Net Income / Revenue) * (Revenue / Average Assets) * (Average Assets / Average Equity)
                                           = Net Margin * Assets Turnover *  Assets-Equity Ratio

- ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) = Operating Profit After Tax / Invested Capital
                                                            = (Operating Profit * (1 - Tax Rate)) / (Assets - Excess Cash - Non-Interest-Bearing Current Liabilities)

Great company is different with great investment, your goal as an investor should be to find wonderful businesses, and invest in them at reasonable prices.

Company Valuation - determine the value of a company.

Measuring Business Value:
Market Capitalization = Outstanding Share Count * Share Price
Enterprise Value = Market Cap + Debt - Cash

There are actually two parts to the value of any business:
- The first part is the current value of all the business's assets and liabilities, including buildings, employees, inventories, and so forth.
- The second part is the value of the profits the business is expected to make in the future.

There are two broad approaches to stock valuation. One is the ratio-based approach and the other is the intrinsic value approach:
- Valuation ratios compare the company's market value with some financial aspect of its performance--earnings, sales, book value, cash flow, and so on.
- The ratio-based approach is the most commonly used method for valuing stocks, because ratios are easy to calculate and readily available. The downside is that making sense of valuation ratios requires quite a bit of context.
- Popular ratio-based measures:
    Price / Sale
    Price / Earning
    Price / Book
    Cash Return = (Free Cash Flow + Net Interest Expense) / (Enterprise Value)
- The other major approach to valuation tries to estimate what a stock should intrinsically be worth.
- A stock's intrinsic value is based on projecting the company's future cash flows along with other factors. You can compare this intrinsic or fair value with a stock's market price to determine whether the stock looks underpriced, fairly valued, or overpriced.
- However, the main disadvantage is that estimating future cash flows and coming up with a fair value estimate requires a lot of time and effort.

Estimating a stock's fair value, or intrinsic value using DCF model:
- The main idea behind a DCF model is relatively simple: A stock's worth is equal to the present value of all its estimated future cash flows.
- Free cash flow represents the cash a company has left over after spending the money necessary to keep the company growing at its current rate.
- Many variables go into estimating those cash flows, but among the most important are the company's future sales growth and profit margins.
- What cash flow to predicate and discount to present value? dividend payments -> free cash flow, because there are many firms that pay no dividends.
- How to do the discounting?
  Present Value of Cash Flow in Year N =  CF at Year N / (1+ R)^N
  CF = Cash Flow
  R = Required Return (Discount Rate)
  N = Number of Years in the Future
- The rate you would use to discount cash flows if using the "cash flow to the firm" method is actually a company's weighted average cost of capital, or WACC. A company's WACC accounts for both the firm's cost of equity and its cost of debt, weighted according to the proportions of equity and debt in the company's capital structure. Here's the basic formula for WACC: (Weight of Debt) * (Cost of Debt)  +  (Weight of Equity)*(Cost of Equity)
- Computing the intrinsic value of a company: sum of all discounted (to present) future free cash flows

The match tricks behind DCF
- When counting the sum, we assume the company will generate cash flow all the time, but the growth number varies from near future to far future
- We usually assign specific growth ratios to 5-10 near future but assume equal (relatively) small ratio to long term growth
- Perpetuity Value: estimating the value of all cash flows after some specific year in one lump. It's in fact the sum of geometric sequence with common ratio: (1+g)/(1+R)
  Perpetuity Value = ( CFn * (1 +  g) ) / (R - g)
  CFn = Cash Flow in the Last Individual Year Estimated
  g = Long-Term Growth Rate
  R = Discount Rate, or Cost of Capital
- Perpetuity value should also be discounted by to compute the present intrinsic value of a company

The main problem of DCF model to compute the intrinsic value is that, you have to determine many variable factors such as discount rate, growth rate for near future and long term. The estimating of these parameters are the real challenges for this model. To ensure your assumptions about these parameters make sense, you have to get familiar with those industries.

Stock Investing Strategy - Fat Pitch Strategy: Don't Rush, Be Patient Till Enough Confident
- Locating Wide Moat Company
- Always Have a Margin of Safety
- Don't Be Afraid to Hold Cash
- Don't Be Afraid to Hold Relatively Few Stocks
- Don't Trade Very Often

Investing Psychology: Mental Stuff that Leads to Investing Mistakes
- overconfidence
- selective memory
- self-handicapping
- loss aversion
- sunk cost
- anchoring: when estimating the unknown, we cleave to what we know
- confirmation bias
- mental accounting
- framing effect
- herding (羊群效应)

Part V Misc Tips and Great Investors
59.20 Stock-Investing Tips 

Portfolio Management
- diversification: don't put your eggs in one basket
- if you own about 12 to 18 stocks, you have obtained more than 90% of the benefits of diversification, assuming you own an equally weighted portfolio
- don't weight each stock equally in your portfolio if you want to outperform market index
- consider including mutual fund to cover area that you are not familiar with

- option is the right (but you can choose to exercise it or not at will when it expires) to sell (put option) or buy (call option) some thing (it's stock for stock option) at a specific price (stated in the option contract)
- option makes shorting possible

Investing Tips
- Keep It Simple
- Have the Proper Expectations
- Be Prepared to Hold for a Long Time
- Tune Out the Noise
- Behave Like an Owner
- Buy Low, Sell High
- Watch Where You Anchor
- Remember that Economics Usually Trumps Management Competence
- Be Careful of Snakes
- Bear in Mind that Past Trends Often Continue
- Prepare for the Situation to Proceed Faster than You Think
- Expect Surprises to Repeat
- Don't Be Stubborn (Stubborn VS Patient)
- Listen to Your Gut
- Know Your Friends, and Your Enemies
- Recognize the Signs of a Top
- Look for Quality
- Don't Buy Without Value
- Always Have a Margin of Safety
- Think Independently

One Sentence Summary
- Invest in long term basing on quantitative and qualitative analysis, don't speculate if you don't want to rely on luck.






一、结构主义 (Structuralism)

这是心理学独立成为实验科学后的第一个学派,代表人物为冯特和其弟子铁钦纳 。这个学派认为:心理学的研究对象是意识经验,主张心理学应该采用实验内省法(introspection)分析意识的内容或构造,并找出意识的组成部分以及它们如何连结成各种复杂心理过程的规律。



二、功能主义 (Functionalism)





三、行为主义 (Behaviorism)



- 人类的行为都是后天习得的,环境决定了一个人的行为模式,无论是正常的行为还是病态的行为都是经过学习而获得的,也可以通过学习而更改、增加或消除
- 行为就是有机体用以适应环境刺激的各种躯体反应的组合,有的表现在外表,有的隐藏在内部,人和动物都一样
- 查明了环境刺激与行为反应之间的规律性关系,就能根据刺激预知反应,或根据反应推断刺激,达到预测并控制动物和人的行为的目的


四、精神分析 (Psychoanalysis)

精神分析是在十九世纪末二十世纪初从治疗人的心理障碍开始发展起来的心理学派, 在文学、哲学和心理学领域都产生了巨大的影响力。其主要代表人物有:弗洛伊德、阿德勒、荣格、霍妮、弗洛姆、沙利文等。

由于一开始是面向心理障碍治疗,因此弗洛伊德重视探索人的动机和行为的根源,重视内心冲突和人生早期经验的作用。 精神分析学派认为,人的重要行为表现是自己意识不到的动机和内心冲突的结果。

- 精神层次理论: 人的精神活动,包括欲望、冲动、思维,幻想、判断、决定、情感等,会在不同的意识层次里发生和进行。不同的意识层次包括意识、前意识和潜意识三个层次。潜意识里有人们被压抑的本能、欲望,虽然无法意识到,但依旧会对人的行为产生影响

- 人格结构理论: 人格由本我、自我和超我组成,分别代表了动物性本能、现实折中和社会性道德约束三种情形。本我是指原始的自己,包含生存所需的基本欲望、冲动和生命力。超我,是人格结构中代表理想的部分,是个体在成长过程中通过内化道德规范,由内化社会及文化环境的价值观念而形成,其机能主要在监督、批判及管束自己的行为。本我和超我都是无意识的,而自我是自己可意识到的执行思考、感觉、判断或记忆的部分,自我的机能是寻求“本我”冲动得以满足,而同时保护整个机体不受伤害,在本我和超我之间寻求折中

- 性本能理论: 本能是一切精神活动的动力,本能是推动个体行为的内在动力。本能包括生存和死亡两类。生存本能包括性欲本能和物欲本能,而性欲本能则广泛存在于人生不同发展时期的各种活动中。弗洛伊德是泛性论者,他眼中的性欲有着广义的含意,包括人们一切追求快乐的欲望。性本能冲动是人一切心理活动的内在动力,当这种能量(所谓力必多)积聚到一定程度就会造成机体的紧张,机体就要寻求途径释放能量。而死亡是生命的最后稳定状态,生命只有在这才不再需要为满足生理欲望而斗争,不再有焦虑和抑郁。死亡本能派生出攻击、被坏、战争等一切毁灭行为。当它转向体内部时,导致个体的自责,甚至自伤、自杀,当它转向外部世界时,导致对他人的攻击

- 心理防御机制: 心理防御机制是自我的一种防卫功能。很多时候,超我与本我之间,本我与现实之间,经常会有矛盾和冲突,这时人就会感到痛苦和焦虑。这时自我可以在不知不觉之中,以某种方式,调整一个冲突双方的关系,使超我的监察可以接受,同时原我的欲望又可以得到某种形式的满足,从而缓和焦虑,消除痛苦。这就是自我的心理 防御机制,它包括压抑、否认、投射,退化、隔离、抵消转化、合理化、补偿、升华、幽默、反向形成等各种形式

- 梦的解析: 根据弗洛伊德的观点,梦都是“愿望的满足” — 尝试用潜意识来解决各部分的冲突。不过,由于潜意识中的信息不受拘束,通常让人难堪,前意识中的“稽察者”不允许它 未经改变就进入意识。在梦中,前意识比清醒时放松了此项职责,但是仍然在关注,于是潜意识被扭曲其意义,以通过审查。同样,梦中的形象通常并非它们显现的样子,按照弗洛伊德所说,需要用潜意识的结构进行更深的解释。这样,梦开启了一条通往潜意识的通道,通过对梦的分析可以窥见人的内部心理,探究其潜意识中的欲望和冲突



- 自卑感起因于一个人感觉生活中任何方面都不完善、有缺陷
- 自卑感使人努力克服缺陷,阿德勒把这种努力叫做补偿:人追求社会卓越时不可避免产生的一种心理情绪,是达到心理优越感的必经之路
- 心理优越感是最终目标,而自卑感是常态,也是不断追求卓越的动力

精神分析学派另外一位重要人物是荣格(中文),在和弗洛伊德观点分裂后成立了自己的学派 -- 分析心理学。他最主要观点是集体潜意识,他认为人格由意识和潜意识构成,但潜意识分为个人潜意识和集体潜意识:
- 个体潜意识:是发生于个体身上的个体经验。它的内容是情结,即潜意识中的情感观念丛的内容。个体人格大多是由其所具有的各种内容、强度、来源等不同的情结所决定的
- 集体潜意识:是人类历史演化过程中积累下来的祖先经验的积淀,使人类据以作出特定反应的先天遗传倾向。主要内容为本能和原型:本能是先天的行为倾向,原型是先天的思维倾向。原型不能在意识中直接表现,但会在梦、幻想、幻觉和神经症中以原始意象或象征的形式表现出来。最重要的原型有:人格面具、阴影、阿尼玛、阿尼姆斯和自我

五、人本主义 (Humanism)


- 马斯洛 需求层次自我实现
- 罗杰斯 个人中心治疗同理心

- 生理需要 (physiological need) 生存所必须的基本生理需要,如对食物,水和睡眠和性的需要
- 安全需要 (safety need) 包括一个安全和可预测的环境,它相对地可以免除生理和心理的焦虑
- 爱与归属的需要 (love and belongingness need) 包括被别人接纳、爱护、关注、鼓励、支持等,如结交朋友,追求爱情,参加团体等
- 尊重需要 (esteem need) 包括尊重别人和自我尊重两个方面
- 自我实现需要(self-actualization need) 包括至高人生境界获得的需求并实现自身潜能


罗杰斯提出的个人中心治疗则关注于人的正面成长和发展,着重治疗师本身的态度如一致(Congruence) 、真诚(Genuineness) 、无条件尊重(Unconditional Positive Regard)和同理心(Empathy)等,而非治疗的技巧。它强调以下六个概念:
- 治疗关系: 事主与治疗师之间的关系
- 事主本身的不一致(in-congruence): 事主的无助感、无力感和未能作出决定
- 积极回应(positive feedback):治疗师的真诚,而非假装关注事主个人的问题
- 无条件尊重(unconditional positive-regard):不带批判性的态度,不作反对或赞成,仅仅去接纳和认同
- 同理心(empathy): 治疗师需要深入理解和掌握对方的主观感受和世界观
- 沟通(communication): 事主能够接收到治疗师的理解和接纳



六、 格式塔学派 (Gestalt)

格式塔是德语Gestalt的译音,意即「模式、形状、形式」等,意思是指“动態的整体”(dynamic wholes)。格式塔心理学派强调整体并不等于部分的总和,整体乃是先于部分而存在并制约着部分的性质和意义。


七、 认知心理学派 (Cognitive)



现代认知心理学的基本观点就是把人看成信息传递器和信息加工系统。提出短时记忆中有三种编码: 听觉编码即声码、视觉编码即形码、语义编码即意码。并认为人是按事物的各种性状将其分成三种编码分别贮存在三个不同的位置,而后可以用声、形、意三种不同的途径来检索这一记忆。



1. http://baike.baidu.com/view/473690.htm
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology 
3. http://zhuimengpm2.blog.163.com/blog/static/130003200710410290363/