

1. 所谓学习 - 看清楚,想明白,用熟练

2. 所谓观察 - 看得见,想得通,说得清

3. 向师傅学习,要学习其练功的方法和套路,而不是具体的一招一式

4. 前段时间写了篇关于self-fulfilling prophecy的文章,没想到这两天现实中就发生了一个不小的类似案例:维基百科捏造事实导致了一个死循环 [English Version: False Fact On Wikipedia Proves Itself].这个案例简而言之就是 - "Wikipedia states a false fact, a reputable media outlet copies the false fact, and this outlet is then used as the source to prove the false fact to Wikipedia."当然这个德国部长目前并没有为此改名,所以不能算是自证预言,但整个过程依然非常类似而有趣。

5. 有位美女同学的签名档上写着 - 女白领热捧"经济适用男".虚心向其咨询了一下所谓"经济适用"标准:
- 不抽烟不喝酒不赌钱不关机无红颜知已
- 月薪3000-10000并且有首付能力
- 长相过目即忘
== 不过据说“有首付能力” implies 50W+, 翻看了一下干瘪的钱包: “经济适用”的目标依旧任重而道远……==

6. 02/12听了场关于亲历CES 2009见闻的报告,内容摘要如下:

IT Tech Trends
- Netbooks are everywhere
- Devices with Network & Intelligence
- Green is In
- 3D

Keynote Speak
- KN from Cisco is strongly recommended [Video@Cisco], because:
 * the Cisco CEO is a great speaker
 * the content is cool: Cisco is Changing
  。enterprise focused -> consumer focused
  。communication -> collaboration
  。infrastructure level -> application level
Live text report for this speak
Cisco's blog article about this keynote speak

- Keynote from Intel is given by its Chairman, Craig Barrett. The main message he delivered was that: "Small Deeds Done are Better than Great Deeds Planned". As showcases of this idea, Intel announced several programs to advance education, healthcare and entrepreneurship with technology - in concrete, incremental steps. These programs include: Small Things Challenge, Save the Children

7. 报告结尾,讲了一个据说最近VC圈很流行的桥段:
==3F to Fail==
(first of all : failure is OK, don't be afraid, but you should ...)
- Fail Fast, don't waste too much time on one failure
- Fail Frequently, to get more experiences
- Fail Fresh, don't make the same mistakes again

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